Minutes of
Peace & Social Concerns Committee, 1/30/2019
Present: Diane (clerk), Ka (recording), Dan, Jane, Mary Ellen C.
We begin with silence.
Fast Facts on the Real Economy project - Mary Ellen C.
She extended her folklore studies to focus on people WITH money, as a way of understanding the economy. She has written 15 scripts for videos. She would like to show the videos at MT, for feedback. Mary Ellen asks the committee for ideas & feedback for visualizing (in the video) her scripts. We suggest using photos to illustrate the affected people, putting key words or phrases as text on the screen.
FCOO We need to identify & act on which groups will be continued. Diane will get list of past funded orgs from David Scott & put a notice in the newsletter for people to speak up if they want continued funds, or to propose a new program for support.
Bow, NH power plant. Update on events since last mtg: ISO, stopping trains, need for affinity group
CBI Speaker 3/25. Does P&SC want to cosponsor this program on anti-semitism, racism, and white supremacy? Diane reads Cat’s email. We agree we have concerns about the speaker being from SPLC. After a lively discussion we agree to cosponsor. We will not specifically mention the speaker in our cosponsorship.
11:40 hour planning on peace and P&SC committee campaign for more members. The date is March 3. Dan plans to begin by referring to historical Quaker value of P&SC, then queries regarding how we value this. All of us will help Dan.
FCNL priority setting. We’ll associate it with tax time, in March. We discuss having a separate submission of Young Friend priorities. Ka has contacted Airlie (clerk of
YF) about this, no response yet.
Ka passes around a recent FCNL publication, The World We Seek, and a review of the national priorities over the past 10 years. There is little variation among these. We discuss asking Mount Toby to unite behind a single priority, climate change, and requesting of FCNL that this be our national priority. Many, though not all, other priorities would naturally be addressed concurrently with this: ‘No Planet, No Peace’.
We will put an article in March newsletter, inviting input and stating our single priority idea. We’ll invite input via email or by attending our March meeting to discern priority(ies).
We close with a time of silence.
Follow up
1. Ka: contact Promised Land exhibit people for add’l info
2. Diane: find out about past FCOO & put notice in newsletter.
3. Ka: inform Cat of decision to cosponsor CBI event so she can inform them
4. Dan: as March 3 11:40 hour takes shape, inform committee members how they can help.
5. Ka: article for March newsletter on legislative priorities; f/u on YF priority.
meeting Thursday, Feb 27, 7 pm